OyenCov vs Coveralls.io

They are like just Simplecov + score history graph. OyenCov is more than that.

How OyenCov works

OyenCov SDK runs in your application to track how the codebase is being used, it's also used in your CI to collect the test suites' data.

We then ingest the incoming data and tell your team several key things:

  1. How many Methods, controller actions, background jobs are in use and being tested, or not;
  2. Which of those do we think you may need to increase test suite overlaps on

Take a look at the setup guide of OyenCov on GitHub Actions .

Coveralls.io is much less useful

Coveralls.io shows you exactly what you can get for free in your CI setup, because Simplecov already generates HTML output that looks pretty much the same as what you pay Coveralls for.

From their report, if you are on a mission to rapidly increase test coverage, it is difficult to decide where to add test suites on first.

How do you see which parts of the codebase are more important to your business? What if certain source codes are no longer used in production and ready to be deleted?

Coveralls.io cannot answer any of these. OyenCov can!

Unless you find storing artifacts difficult on your CI (it's easy on the popular ones), or that you fancy the score history feature, there is almost no reason to subcribe to Coveralls.

OyenCov score, quadrant, summary table.

Switch to OyenCov!

After setting up OyenCov in both your CI and production, give OyenCov a few minutes to ingest the data. You can then start working your way through the less tested items by their Severities. The Scores and Severities are explained in Docs: Score Formula.

Go OyenCov for your Rails app today!

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